Map of Korea National Arboretum (KNA) Planning the visit to the Korea National Arboretum Planning the visit to the Korea National Arboretum Celtis sinensis roots in the Museum of the Korea National Arboretum Korea National Arboretum Hibiscus syriacus and a butterfly in the Korea National Arboretum Korea National Arboretum Huge Cercidiphyllum japonicum trees, Korea National Arboretum How are these rhododendrons thriving? Rhododendron hybrids at the Korea National Arboretum Rhododendron brachycarpum Ullung form?, looks like open-pollinated garden origin, Korea National Arboretum Cephalotaxus koreana, Korea National Arboretum Magnolia sieboldii, surprisingly large leaves, Korea National Arboretum