No one came to open the gate for us on the road to the Tianchi lakeFurther up the road was blocked by stones for the seasonThe road was blocked by large stonesWe got a new plan and drove to the Xilianpen pass at 3680 mXilianpen pass, 3680 mXilianpen pass, 3700 mRhododendron rubinigosum f. rubinigosum , 3670 mIdentifying a Rhododendron by looking at the scales on the underside of the leaves. Photo by Matti Huotari.After we had explored on the Xilianpen pass we drove down the road on the south side ot the mountain, 3540 mA view back up to the Xilianpen pass, 3540 mLast lunch of the expedition in the mountains.A time for a nap?Road to the E-outfitting Boutique Hotel in Shangri-LaEntrance to the E-outfitting Boutique Hotel in Shangri-LaCourtyard of the E-outfitting Boutique Hotel in Shangri-LaTibetan handicrafts shop in Shangri-LaTibetan handicrafts shopTibetan handicrafts shopA view from the balcony of the E-outfitting Boutique Hotel in Shangri-LaA view from the balcony of the E-outfitting Boutique Hotel in Shangri-La. End of the expedition.