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Breeding Hardy Rhododendrons in Finland
Kristian Theqvist, 16-Apr-2016, rev. 028
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Explanations of the symbols in the table
02 OK crossing done in 2002 and germination was succesful
02 F crossing done in 2002 but germination failed (sterile pollen, not enough pollen, pollen not good, bad timing in pollination, polyploidy, ..)
03 OK crossing done in 2003 and germination was succesful
03 F crossing done in 2003 but germination failed (sterile pollen, not enough pollen, pollen not good, bad timing in pollination, polyploidy, ..)
04 OK crossing done in 2004 and germination was succesful
04 F crossing done in 2004 but germination failed (sterile pollen, not enough pollen, pollen not good, bad timing in pollination, polyploidy, ..)
05 OK crossing done in 2005 and germination was succesful
05 F crossing done in 2005 but germination failed (sterile pollen, not enough pollen, pollen not good, bad timing in pollination, polyploidy, ..)
06 OK crossing done in 2006 and germination was succesful
06 F crossing done in 2006 but germination failed (sterile pollen, not enough pollen, pollen not good, bad timing in pollination, polyploidy, ..)
07 OK crossing done in 2007 and germination was succesful
07 F crossing done in 2007 but germination failed (sterile pollen, not enough pollen, pollen not good, bad timing in pollination, polyploidy, ..)
08 OK crossing done in 2008 and germination was succesful
08 F crossing done in 2008 but germination failed (sterile pollen, not enough pollen, pollen not good, bad timing in pollination, polyploidy, ..)
09 OK crossing done in 2009 and germination was succesful
09 F crossing done in 2009 but germination failed (sterile pollen, not enough pollen, pollen not good, bad timing in pollination, polyploidy, ..)
10 OK crossing done in 2010 and germination was succesful
10 F crossing done in 2010 but germination failed (sterile pollen, not enough pollen, pollen not good, bad timing in pollination, polyploidy, ..)
11 OK crossing done in 2011 and germination was succesful
11 F crossing done in 2011 but germination failed (sterile pollen, not enough pollen, pollen not good, bad timing in pollination, polyploidy, ..)
12 OK crossing done in 2012 and germination was succesful
12 F crossing done in 2012 but germination failed (sterile pollen, not enough pollen, pollen not good, bad timing in pollination, polyploidy, ..)
13 OK crossing done in 2013 and germination was succesful
13 F crossing done in 2013 but germination failed (sterile pollen, not enough pollen, pollen not good, bad timing in pollination, polyploidy, ..)
15 OK crossing done in 2013 and germination was succesful
15 F crossing done in 2013 but germination failed (sterile pollen, not enough pollen, pollen not good, bad timing in pollination, polyploidy, ..)
Elepidote crossings table 1, pollen from species
Pollen \ Mother | 'Elviira' | 'Mauritz' | 'Kullervo' | 'Haaga' | 'Helsinki University' | 'Mikkeli' | 'P.M.A. Tigerstedt' | 'Pekka' | 'Hellikki' | 'Elsie Maria' | 'Eino' |
adenogynum | 15 OK | ||||||||||
adenopodum | 04 OK | 04 OK | |||||||||
annae | 06 F | ||||||||||
anwheiense | 04 OK | 04 OK | |||||||||
arboreum ssp. arboreum | 12 OK | 12 OK | 12 OK | ||||||||
arizelum RSF 1965/335 | 07 OK (1) | 07 OK | |||||||||
auriculatum RSF 1967/698 | 07 OK | ||||||||||
barbatum | 12 OK | 12 OK | 12 OK | ||||||||
barbatum RSF 1965/304 | 08 OK | 08 OK | |||||||||
brachycarpum x aureum | 03 OK | ||||||||||
bureavii | 03 OK | 03 F, 04 F | 03 F | 03 F, 04 F | |||||||
bureavii RSF 1999/692 | 09 OK | 09 OK | 09 OK | ||||||||
calophytum | 06 OK | 06 OK | |||||||||
campanulatum | 04 OK | 03 OK | 04 OK | ||||||||
campylocarpum var. elatum | 05 OK | 05 OK | 05 OK | 05 OK | |||||||
catacosmum RSF 1967/689 | 08 OK | 08 OK | |||||||||
chamaethomsonii | 15 OK | ||||||||||
clementinae | 04 F | 04 F | |||||||||
crinigerum | 12 OK | 12 OK | |||||||||
decorum | 03 OK | 06 OK | 06 OK | ||||||||
denudatum | 13 OK | 13 OK | |||||||||
dichroanthum var. scyphocalyx | 06 F | 06 OK | |||||||||
dichroanthum 'Böhmen' | 03 OK | 02 OK | 04 OK | 02 OK | 02 OK, 11 OK | 04 OK | 05 OK | 05 F, 12 OK | 04 OK | ||
eudoxum | 04 F | 04 F | |||||||||
faberi | 06 OK | ||||||||||
forrestii var. repens | 06 OK | 06 OK | |||||||||
fortunei | 04 OK | 04 OK | 04 OK | 04 OK | 04 OK | ||||||
fulvum | 05 F | 05 F | 05 OK | 05 OK | |||||||
grande RSF 1971/338 | 07 OK | 07 OK | |||||||||
griffithianum | 12 OK | 12 OK | 12 OK | ||||||||
haematodes | 03 F | 12 F | 03 F | 03 F | 03 F | 03 F, 12 F | |||||
habrotrichum RSF 1983/052 | 07 OK | ||||||||||
hemsleyanum | 06 OK | 06 OK | 06 OK | ||||||||
hodgsonii RSF 1976/191 | 09 OK | 09 OK | 09 OK | 09 OK | 09 OK | ||||||
hodgsonii, Milde Arboretum | 15 OK | ||||||||||
huianum | 13 OK | 13 OK | 13 OK | 13 OK | 13 OK | ||||||
insigne | 06 OK | 06 OK | 06 OK | ||||||||
irroratum 'Polka Dot' RSF 1969/073 | 09 OK | 09 OK | 09 OK | ||||||||
kesangiae RSF 1991/071 | 07 OK | 07 OK | |||||||||
lacteum RSF 1975/125 | 07 OK | ||||||||||
lacteum | 13 OK | 13 OK | |||||||||
lanigerum RSF 1975/114 | 08 F | 08 OK | 08 F | ||||||||
longesquamatum | 06 OK | 06 OK | 06 OK | 06 OK | |||||||
macabeanum | 12 OK | 12 OK | 12 OK | ||||||||
macabeanum RSF 1975/052 | 08 OK | 08 OK | 08 OK | ||||||||
magnificum RSF 1981/080 | 07 OK | 07 OK | 07 OK | ||||||||
makinoi | 03 OK | 03 OK | 03 OK | 04 F | 03 OK | 04 OK | 03 OK | ||||
mallotum RSF 1966/557 | 08 F | 08 F | 08 F | ||||||||
mallotum RSF 2004/049 | 09 OK | 09 OK | 09 OK | ||||||||
microgynum | 15 OK | ||||||||||
montroseanum RSF 1982/043 | 08 F | 08 OK | 08 F | ||||||||
nakotiltum | 11 OK | ||||||||||
niveum | 13 OK | 13 OK | 13 OK | ||||||||
ochraceum | 10 OK | 10 OK | 10 OK | ||||||||
oreodoxa | 05 F | 05 F | 05 OK | ||||||||
oreodoxa var. fargesii | 05 F | 05 F | 05 F | 05 OK | 05 F | ||||||
pachysanthum RSF 1993/043 | 09 OK | 09 OK | |||||||||
prattii | 06 OK | 06 OK | 06 OK | 06 OK | |||||||
prattii | 10 OK | 10 OK | |||||||||
pronum RSF 1974/047 | 08 OK | 08 OK | |||||||||
recurvoides RSF 1974/099 | 09 OK | 09 OK | |||||||||
rex | 06 OK | 05 OK | 05 OK | 05 OK | 05 OK | 05 OK | 05 F | ||||
rex ssp. fictolacteum | 15 OK | ||||||||||
rex ssp. rex | 13 OK | 13 OK | |||||||||
ririei | 06 OK | ||||||||||
rotschildii RSF 1975/182 | 07 OK | 07 OK | 07 OK | 07 OK | |||||||
roxieanum var. oreonastes | 15 OK | ||||||||||
sanguineum var. didymum | 08 OK | 10 OK | 08 OK | 06 OK | 10 OK | ||||||
sinofalconeri RSF 2000/151 | 07 OK | 07 OK (1) | |||||||||
sinogrande RSF 1982/040 | 09 OK | 09 OK | 09 OK | ||||||||
strigillosum | 05 F, 06 OK | 05 OK | 05 OK | 05 OK | |||||||
taliense | 06 F | 06 OK | 06 OK | 06 OK | 06 OK | ||||||
temenium | 04 OK | 04 OK | |||||||||
thomsonii | 06 OK | 06 OK | |||||||||
traillianum | 06 F | 06 OK | 06 OK | 06 OK | |||||||
uvarifolium | 04 OK | 04 OK | 04 F, 10 OK | 10 OK | 04 OK | ||||||
venator | 12 OK | 12 OK | 12 OK | ||||||||
vernicosum | 04 OK | 04 OK | |||||||||
wasonii | 15 F | ||||||||||
wightii | 04 OK | 04 OK | |||||||||
williamsianum | 13 OK | ||||||||||
wiltonii | 03 F | 03 F | 03 F | 03 F | 03 F | ||||||
yakushimanum 'Edelweiss' | 02 OK | ||||||||||
yakushimanum 'Ken Janeck' | 02 OK | 02 OK | 03 OK | 03 OK | |||||||
yakushimanum 'Mist Maiden' | 02 OK | 02 OK | 02 OK | ||||||||
yuefengense | 13 OK | 13 OK | 13 OK | 13 OK | |||||||
Total crosses OK with species |
7 | 8 | 20 | 10 | 16 | 54 | 31 | 33 | 13 | 9 | 1 |
Pollen \ Mother | 'Elviira' | 'Mauritz' | 'Kullervo' | 'Haaga' | 'Helsinki University' | 'Mikkeli' | 'P.M.A. Tigerstedt' | 'Pekka' | 'Hellikki' | 'Elsie Maria' | 'Eino' |
(1) Annoying mixup in pollination or marking. Pollen could be either from arizelum or sinofalconeri.
Elepidote crossings table 2, pollen from hybrid
Elepidote crossings table 3, statistics on species and hybrids combined
Pollen \ Mother | 'Elviira' | 'Mauritz' | 'Kullervo' | 'Haaga' | 'Helsinki University' | 'Mikkeli' | 'P.M.A. Tigerstedt' | 'Pekka' | 'Hellikki' | 'Elsie Maria' | 'Eino' | Sum |
OK Crosses / Total done in 2002 |
0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 7 / 8 | 0 / 0 | 9 / 10 | 6 / 7 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 22 / 25 |
OK Crosses / Total done in 2003 |
6 / 13 | 0 / 0 | 3 / 9 | 4 / 7 | 5 / 8 | 7 / 10 | 7 / 10 | 4 / 6 | 1 / 2 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 37 / 65 |
OK Crosses / Total done in 2004 |
2 / 5 | 0 / 0 | 11 / 15 | 4 / 4 | 2 / 4 | 8 / 10 | 9 / 10 | 4 / 7 | 1 / 5 | 4 / 4 | 0 / 0 | 45 / 64 |
OK Crosses / Total done in 2005 |
0 / 4 | 0 / 0 | 4 / 8 | 3 / 4 | 0 / 0 | 6 / 11 | 10 / 10 | 5 / 7 | 4 / 8 | 2 / 4 | 0 / 0 | 34 / 56 |
OK Crosses / Total done in 2006 |
8 / 9 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 3 | 0 / 0 | 4 / 4 | 8 / 8 | 9 / 10 | 8 / 8 | 7 / 7 | 6 / 6 | 0 / 0 | 50 / 55 |
OK Crosses / Total done in 2007 |
0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 3 / 3 | 5 / 5 | 6 / 6 | 4 / 4 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 18 / 18 |
OK Crosses / Total done in 2008 |
0 / 0 | 1 / 2 | 3 / 4 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 3 / 5 | 4 / 4 | 2 / 3 | 1 / 3 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 14 / 21 |
OK Crosses / Total done in 2009 |
0 / 0 | 2 / 2 | 5 / 5 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 5 / 5 | 4 / 4 | 4 / 4 | 3 / 3 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 23 / 23 |
OK Crosses / |
0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 2 / 3 | 7 / 7 | 1 / 1 | 3 / 4 | 5 / 5 | 2 / 2 | 2 / 2 | 22 / 24 |
OK Crosses / Total done in 2011 |
0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 4 / 4 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 4 / 4 |
OK Crosses / Total done in 2012 |
0 / 0 | 2 / 3 | 2 / 2 | 0 / 0 | 3 / 3 | 7 / 7 | 0 / 0 | 5 / 5 | 6 / 6 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 24 / 25 |
OK Crosses / Total done in 2013 |
0 / 0 | 4 / 4 | 0 / 0 | 5 / 5 | 0 / 0 | 6 / 6 | 0 / 0 | 4 / 4 | 2 / 3 | 3 / 4 | 0 / 0 | 19 / 21 |
OK Crosses / Total done in 2014 |
0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 |
OK Crosses / Total done in 2015 |
0 / 0 | 2 / 3 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 5 / 5 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 0 / 0 | 7 / 8 |
OK Crosses / Total done all years |
16 / 31 | 5 / 7 | 35 / 54 | 11 / 15 | 28 / 35 | 66 / 79 | 50 / 55 | 39 / 48 | 28 / 39 | 14 / 16 | 2 / 2 | 319 / 409 |
This is a learning process for me and in 2004 I had more patience to wait for the covered stigmas to be wet before I applied pollen. However, the weather was very cold in June
and some pollinations probably failed partly because of too low temperature. This was specially the case with 'Elviira'. The temperature dropped to -6°C (21°F) on one of the
nights after pollination.
2005 and 2006
In 2005 and 2006 I did continue the same line of hybridization work as in previous years. I have got pollen of several rhododendrons from Bjarne Dinesen (Denmark). Thanks Bjarne!
See his marvelous pictures at Asperupgaard.
From 2002 to 2006 I've done 265 crosses in which the mother plant has been a hardy Finnish hybrid. Out of these 188 crosses have yielded seed.
I have high hopes that some of these could result in hybrids that have qualities worth for naming.
As of 22nd of November, 2006 I have myself 2277 plants cross plants growing and there are probably a lot more plants around the world from the seeds I've distributed to various Seed Exchanges.
Since my resources are limited (this is my hobby!) I sow only max 30 seeds per cross. This is not enough to get the whole variance of a cross. On the other hand this justifies the distribution of seeds to Seed Exchanges.
In 2007 I made a lot less crosses than in previous years.
Based on the ARS Seed Exchange Pollen-to-Seed Program I ordered pollen from RSF and formed a small hybridizer team here in Finland. The two other hybridizers in addition to me were Osmo Jussila from Naantali and Jaakko Saarinen from Arboretum Mustila. To optimize the amount of seed we made R. brachycarpum var. tigerstedtii crosses with two separate plants, one at Naantali and another at Arboretum Mustila.
The main aim was to to get hardy big-leaf hybrids by using use the super hardy R. brachycarpum var. tigerstedtii and hardy proven Finnish hybrids as seed parent and pollen from big-leaf Rhododendron species. In addition there are side goals for yellow flowers, late flowering and good indumentum.
I have reported my own crosses on this page and other crosses of the hybridizer team on page The seed list for ARS 2008 Seed Exchange.
Based on the Pollen-to-Seed Program I had formed in 2007 a small hybridizer team in Finland. The results in 2007 were good and the hybridization work was continued in 2008. The two other hybridizers in addition to Mr. Theqvist were Osmo Jussila from Naantali and Jaakko Saarinen from Arboretum Mustila. The main aim in the hybridization program was to to get hardy reds by using the super hardy R. brachycarpum var. tigerstedtii and hardy proven Finnish hybrids as seed parent and pollen from Rhododendron species with red flowers. In addition there were side goals for beautiful leaves and good indumentum. I have reported my own crosses with Finnish hybrids on this page and other crosses of the hybridizer team on page The seed list for ARS 2009 Seed Exchange.
The hybrization team continued the third year in the ARS Seed Exchange Pollen-to-Seed Program. Each team member chose his favorite pollens from the RSF list. Results: The seed list for ARS 2010 Seed Exchange.
The hybridization team decided not to participate in the Pollen-to-Seed Program due to personal workloads in other activities. I had also decided to reduce the number of crosses. However, on my travels I got some pollen and could not but make some 20 crosses for fun. I have added the crosses on the tables with the marking 10 OK or 10 F.
I did make only 4 elepidote crosses in 2011 due to workload in other activities. I have thousands of plants growing from my crosses from previous years. The plants consume a lot of space in my arboretum and because of this I need to focus in new crosses only to the most interesting ones.
I made in summer 2012 a total of 52 crosses on elepidotes and 42 crosses on azaleas. The list of seed giving crosses can be found from the page Seeds from summer 2012 to various Seed Exchanges.
I made in summer 2013 a total of 35 crosses on elepidotes and 17 crosses on azaleas.
I made in summer 2014 a total of 4 crosses on elepidotes and 8 on azaleas.
I made in summer 2015 a total of 54 crosses on elepidotes and 9 on azaleas, but most crosses were now maternally on other than named Finnish cultivars.
Pictures and links to results
My Registered Rhododendron Hybrids
Unnamed or Non-registered Elepidote Hybrids
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Figure 1. Pollen in small gelatin capsules. |
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Figure 2. The seed pods on 'Helsinki University' are swelling. I got from Jens Birck an excellent idea of using Micropore Surgical Tape (3M) to protect the pollinated stigmas. I use the same tape to label the crosses with code numbers from my pollen database. |
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Figure 3. 'Helsinki University' x dichroanthum hybrid 'Elsie Maria' seed plant. |
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Figure 4. 'Helsinki University' x 'Calsap' seed plant. |
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Figure 5. 'Kullervo' x 'Ken Janeck' seed plant with variegated leaves. |
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Figure 6. The seed plants need good protection for their first winter. This 9-window cold frame can take some 2000 seed plants. I have another cold frame for large but tender plants. |
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Figure 7. The rhododendron plants have been planted in rows for their second winter. They are shaded with a green net and get sprinkled water (Netafim) on dry summer weeks. |
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Figure 8. 'Mikkeli' x makinoi cross plants have usually long and narrow leaves typical to makinoi. |
Summer 2008: I have been pleased to see great variability and interesting leaf forms in the hybrids.
Pictures on Rhododendron hybrid plants, leaf forms and growth habits in 2008
Summer 2009: Several hybrids have flowered for the first time. Most have as expected non-interesting pink flowers or miniature flowers.
However, there are a couple of plants that may be worth a small volume propagation for testing in various climatic conditions.
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Figure 9. 'Kullervo' x 'Golden Coach' cross gave nice looking flowers. More pictures and information on this and other hybrids: Unnamed or Non-registered Elepidote Hybrids |