Two different clones of 'Peter Tigerstedt'?
'Peter Tigerstedt' is also known as 'P.M.A. Tigerstedt' and they originally are the same hybrid. However, there seems to be another clone of 'Peter Tigerstedt' on US and may be also on Canadian markets. I base my case on visits to the Leslie Hancock Garden at Montreal Botanical Garden and on pictures of several 'Peter Tigerstedt' hybrids from different sources.
If you have a 'Peter Tigerstedt' plant, I would appreciate pictures of it.
Please, send me pictures of flowers, leaves and plant (to email: kristian.theqvist |at| rhodogarden.com).
Also any other information that may help to solve this puzzle is appreciated.
More pictures of the original 'P.M.A. Tigerstedt' can be seen at: