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Arboretum pond / Arboretumin lampi

Making a large pond
Suuren lammen teko

P3284653_oja_1024px Water flows in opposite directions from this place. May be a spring or high groundwater in the valley surrounded by rocks? 18-Apr-2017 Vesi virtaa vastakkaisiin...
Water flows in opposite directions from this place. May be a spring or high groundwater in the valley surrounded by rocks? 18-Apr-2017
Vesi virtaa vastakkaisiin…
P2021184_pato_1024 In January 2020 I got an idea of making a pond. I first built two dams in the ditch to control the water level. 2-Feb-2020 Sain tammikuussa 2020 idean lammen...
In January 2020 I got an idea of making a pond. I first built two dams in the ditch to control the water level. 2-Feb-2020
Sain tammikuussa 2020 idean lammen…
IMG_20200131_134614_koekuoppa_lampea_varten_1024px I had a test pit dug to get assurance on how the water level stays. 31-Jan-2020 Kaivautin koekuopan saadakseni varmuuden veden pinnan pysyvyydestä. 31.1.2020
I had a test pit dug to get assurance on how the water level stays. 31-Jan-2020
Kaivautin koekuopan saadakseni varmuuden veden pinnan pysyvyydestä. 31.1.2020
IMG_20200131_135301_koekuoppa_lampea_varten_1024px There was clay below the top soil of black peat. 31-Jan-2020 Mustan pintamullan alapuolella oli pelkkää savea. 31.1.2020
There was clay below the top soil of black peat. 31-Jan-2020
Mustan pintamullan alapuolella oli pelkkää savea. 31.1.2020
IMG_20200131_141258_koekuoppa_lampea_varten_2.5m_1024px The pit got 2.5 meter deep. 31-Jan-2020 Kuopasta tuli 2,5 m syvä. 31.1.2020
The pit got 2.5 meter deep. 31-Jan-2020
Kuopasta tuli 2,5 m syvä. 31.1.2020
P2021181_koekuoppa_lampea_varten_kork_pinnasta_30cm_1024pxpx The pit was filled in three days to the rim from water pouring from the bottom. 2-Feb-2020 Kuoppa täyttyi reunojaan myöten pohjan kautta tulevasta vedestä...
The pit was filled in three days to the rim from water pouring from the bottom. 2-Feb-2020
Kuoppa täyttyi reunojaan myöten pohjan kautta tulevasta vedestä…
IMG_20200205_093416_lammen_pato 1024px The dams kept the water well at the set level. 5-Feb-2020 Padot pitivät vedenpinnan hyvin asetetulla korkeudella. 5.2.2020
The dams kept the water well at the set level. 5-Feb-2020
Padot pitivät vedenpinnan hyvin asetetulla korkeudella. 5.2.2020
Lammen_kartta_2_1024px I sketched a map of a pond. Red = borders of the two properties, total area 3,5 hectares, yellow = arboretum roads, green = main ditch, blue = pond. 5-Feb-2020...
I sketched a map of a pond. Red = borders of the two properties, total area 3,5 hectares, yellow = arboretum roads, green = main ditch, blue = pond.…
P3021277_lammen_alue_merkattuna_1024px I cut down all trees and bushes and marked the pond with yellow ribbon. 2-Mar-2020 Kaadoin alueelta kaikki puut ja pensaat, ja merkitsin lammen keltaisella...
I cut down all trees and bushes and marked the pond with yellow ribbon. 2-Mar-2020
Kaadoin alueelta kaikki puut ja pensaat, ja merkitsin lammen keltaisella…
P3021278_lammen_alue_merkattuna_1024px A dam was at both ends of the marked area. 2-Mar-2020 Merkityn alueen kummassakin päässä oli pato. 2.3.2020
A dam was at both ends of the marked area. 2-Mar-2020
Merkityn alueen kummassakin päässä oli pato. 2.3.2020
P7080035_koekaivannossa_on_vetta hyvin_1024px The water level was high in the test pit in July after a long dry period. 8-Jul-2020 Vesi testikuopassa oli korkealla vielä heinäkuussa pitkän kuivan kauden...
The water level was high in the test pit in July after a long dry period. 8-Jul-2020
Vesi testikuopassa oli korkealla vielä heinäkuussa pitkän kuivan kauden…
IMG_20200708_124238_1_lammen_kaivu_alkaa_kantojen_poistamisella_1024px The digging of the pond started as planned in early July. 8-Jul-2020 Lammen kaivuu alkoi suunnitelman mukaisesti heinäkuun alussa. 8.7.2020
The digging of the pond started as planned in early July. 8-Jul-2020
Lammen kaivuu alkoi suunnitelman mukaisesti heinäkuun alussa. 8.7.2020
IMG_20200708_172756_1_kolmasosa_pintamullasta_poistettu_1024px All stumps and roots were removed and after that the top the layer of black peat was recovered for later use. 8-Jul-2020 Kannot ja juuret poistettiin ja tämän...
All stumps and roots were removed and after that the top the layer of black peat was recovered for later use. 8-Jul-2020
Kannot ja juuret poistettiin ja tämän…
IMG_20200708_172407_1_juurakot_kalliotien_viereen_1024px Stumps and roots were transferred on an edge of a rock for potential further usage. Kannot ja juuret siirrettiin kallion reunalle mahdollista myöhempää käyttöä...
Stumps and roots were transferred on an edge of a rock for potential further usage.
Kannot ja juuret siirrettiin kallion reunalle mahdollista myöhempää käyttöä…
IMG_20200708_173139_12_kuormaa_multaa_taimipellon_laajennukselle_1024px Several tractor loads of black peat was hauled to the extension of a plant field for rhododendrons. Useita traktorikuormallisia mustaa multaa kuljetettiin...
Several tractor loads of black peat was hauled to the extension of a plant field for rhododendrons.
Useita traktorikuormallisia mustaa multaa kuljetettiin…
IMG_20200709_091434_pintamullan_poistoa_1024px Loading black peat from the top surface. 9-Jul-2020 Mustan mullan kuormaamista maanpinnalta. 9.7.2020
Loading black peat from the top surface. 9-Jul-2020
Mustan mullan kuormaamista maanpinnalta. 9.7.2020
IMG_0379_multakasa_1024px 12 tractor loads of acid black peat is a good stock for rhododendron plantings. 12 traktorikuormallista mustaa hapanta multaa on hyvä varasto alppiruusujen...
12 tractor loads of acid black peat is a good stock for rhododendron plantings.
12 traktorikuormallista mustaa hapanta multaa on hyvä varasto alppiruusujen…
IMG_20200709_145500_1_lammen_kaivuu_1024px The excavation continued into the clay layer. The depth of excavation was set at about 2 meters which meant a water depth of about 1,7 meters. 9-Jul-2020 Kaivuu...
The excavation continued into the clay layer. The depth of excavation was set at about 2 meters which meant a water depth of about 1,7 meters. 9-Jul-2020
IMG_20200710_104230_1_lammen_toisen_puoliskon_kaivuu_valmis_1024px Half of the pond area was done first in order to get the geotextile and sand placed easier. 10-Jul-2020 Toinen puoli lammesta tehtiin ensin, jotta...
Half of the pond area was done first in order to get the geotextile and sand placed easier. 10-Jul-2020
Toinen puoli lammesta tehtiin ensin, jotta…
IMG_0380_savea_1024px A lot of clay was transferred on various places on the neighbour's property. Runsaasti savea kuljetettiin eri paikkoihin naapurin kiinteistölle.
A lot of clay was transferred on various places on the neighbour's property.
Runsaasti savea kuljetettiin eri paikkoihin naapurin kiinteistölle.