A typical scenery in the Turku Archipelago some miles from Rhodogarden. Tyypillistä maisemaa muutaman kilometrin päässä Rhodogardenista Turun saaristossa.
I have left several areas on the property as native and have specially tried to preserve rocks with lichens. I took this picture on a high rock close to the sea…
Open sea can be reached via a dredged canal. The bay has an ice cover during winters. Avomerelle pääsee ruopattua kanavaa pitkin. Merenlahdella on talvisin…
Rhodogarden consists of valleys surrounded by high rocks. Rhodogardenissa on korkeiden kallioiden välisiä laaksoja.
Rhododendron tomentosum grows naturally on many places in Rhodogarden. I took this picture on the border toward neighbour's marsh. Suopursu ( Rhododendron…
Rhodogarden is located on an island in the Turku Archipelago in Southern Finland (USDA zone 6b). The garden is marked with a red dot on the map of Europe.…
Based on Boreal Ecoclimatic Zones Rhodogarden is located on the northern edge of the Hemiboreal zone. HB = Hemiboreal, SB = Southern boreal, MB = Middle boreal,…
The climate has warmed during the latest decades. The graph shows the minimum winter temperature since 1904 and the 15 year average of minimum temperatures.…
Warming climate has been dramatic in recent decades and the USDA Zone has changed from 5a past 5b and 6a toward 6b. The official definition of the USDA Zones is…
In Rhodogarden, I do almost everything alone without assistance. Our son helps me on his vacations and I use the services of the island's entrepreneurs for…
Rhodogarden consist of two properties with a total area of nine acres. Rhodogarden arboretum muodostuu kahdesta tontista, yhteispinta-alaltaan 3,6 hehtaaria.
The oldest part of the garden, established in 2001, contains about 100 rhododendrons and azaleas. In 2020, Rhodogarden had a total of more than 1,000…
Azaleas bloomed beautifully along the azalea trail in summer 2019. Atsaleat kukkivat upeasti atsaleapolun varrella kesällä 2019.
A narrow path leads to the gazebo that I and our son designed and built in 2017. Rhododendron smirnowii flowers on the side of the path. Kapea polku johtattaa…
Super hardy Finnish rhododendron cultivars grow near the well and garden bridge. Pictured on the left is 'Haaga' and behind it is a high 'Mikkeli'.…
The gazebo is furnished with wooden benches carved with chainsaw. Huvimaja on kalustettu moottorisahalla veistetyillä puupenkeillä.
An iron garden arch leads the way to the wooden pathways of the garden. Lonicera ex caprifolium climbs on the arch and red-leaved Acer palmatum 'Atropurpurea'…
The autumn fall color of the azaleas is beautiful. On the right grows a yellow-orange colored Sorbus ulleungensis 'Dodong'. The rock in the background has a log…
In 2005, I made in a valley bordered by rocks a planting area for rhododendron and azalea species. Many rhododendrons grow on rock slopes in local wet beds made…
In the spring of 2014, we cut down pine trees growing on the slope leading to the shore for a new planting area. The first rhododendrons and azaleas were…