‘Hellikki’ x ‘Everred’, code name HelliEver-02, non-registered name “Chocolate Dip”, a cross by Kristian Theqvist (2006). ‘Hellikki’ x ‘Everred’, koodinimi…
Most of the new leaves are green brown with dark red brown areas toward the apex. Useimmat uudet lehdet ovat vihreänruskeita ja alueet lehden kärkeä kohden ovat…
Most of the new leaves are green brown with dark red brown areas toward the apex. Useimmat uudet lehdet ovat vihertävänruskeita ja alueet lehden kärkeä kohden…
The photo of a new shoot is taken in late June on an eight year old plant. Kuva uudesta kasvusta on otettu kesäkuun lopulla kahdeksen vuotta vanhasta kasvista.
The green brown areas on the leaves change to green in July, and the dark red brown areas on the tips change to dark brown and stay "chocolate" brown until…
Another photo of the "chololate" brown tipped leaves.
Toinen kuva "suklaan" ruskeista lehtien kärkialueista.
Unfortunately, the plant died during a harsh winter at an age of 10 years. I had planned to make rooted cuttings but failed to do it. Valitettavasti alppiruusu…